Wednesday, April 13, 2005

I am here typing on my laptop again and pondering over the happenings of the day.

on Monday, I was really bad and didn't go to uni but I did spend the usual 12 hours doing uni assignment that is. I worked my ass off in that assignment and hopefully i'll pass it. If I don't - i'll be so cut!!

I didn't get any sleep. Proper sleep.

Hmm and then Tuesday - my assignment was due So I was up early, working on it again. And then I finished it and then made my way to the bus stop. While I was walking down the road I could see three people ahead of me. One girl looked particularly messed-up. As I walked closer, I could she was really pissed (in the alchoholic way). She was using the green meshy fence on the side of the street as her stabiliser but because the green meshy thing is just a piece of cloth - she fell through and landed flat on her ass. It was pretty funny actually. Her and her 2 friends looked a bit worried but told her to get up and she did walk drunkily along.
And then she saw a patch of grass on the property nearest the main road and plummeted to the ground and passed out for a couple of minutes. Then I walked to the bus stop finally and they slowly made their way to the bus stop (with the druken girl). Mind you, it was 1:30 pm in the day time. I couldn't believe it myself.
Drunk in the daytime. haha

The girl was muttering to her friends - she must have had a break up with her boyfriend or something. It sounded pretty trivial but then again - i don't know her so I can't make a full comment on it.
Then the bus came and we all got on the bus. I sat on a seat and they sat on the seat in front of me. And then the bus got moving. And then she puked. She puked on the bus!
And what was worse was that - it smelt like Bundy rum. ack! I really don't like Bundaberg rum! bad bad experiences from bundy rum i'm telling you!
And then they had the gall to leave the bag she puked in on the bus. The bus driver thanks gosh wouldn't have it so he yelled at them to take the bag out of the bus. And then when the friend took the pink "cotton on" bag dripping from liquid puke from the bus, you could see the puke trickle throughout the lower level of the bus. I moved seats to higher ground but just felt sick seeing the other people get on the bus and sit in the same seats (wondering why the floor of the bus was wet and slippery and what that funny smell was). yucky!! too graphic!


And so that began the Tuesday that was for me.

Got to uni, almost forgot what my lecturer's name was. Then remembered who my lecturer was; filled out the pink law form and then submitted my assignment. Went to the law library - saw law buddies - chatted for a while. then went home.

In the city again: saw Louie and Maria (ruth's sister) and then got bus back home. It was bad timing for me again because all the crazy school kids got on the bus. But then i heard this really cute kid talking on the bus trip back today and was trying to act like a grown-up. The kid (probably in year 4) was talking to his friend and said "I've had the single biggest week of my life this week. First of all I had an excursion on Monday, and I had a project due today". IT WAS ONLY: Tuesday.

heheh I thought that was cute. The kid is already stressing about having something on everyday. I'm assuming he learnt that type of talk from his parents. Probably learning through osmosis. Clever kid though: but needs to chill out and still continue to be a kid and not stress.

So back to Monday news: I just remembered something to complain about.
I saw a bit of that X-Factor show on TV (yeah I do seem to watch alot of TV right now) and I saw that Jacob the Rock kid: he is such a loser and then he said he didn't want to continue with the competition: he already conceded defeat. I thought that was pretty foolish. But i blame Kate Ceberano for being crappy and putting a terrible spin on her sending Jacob home. She gave him false hope and I don't like people that do that. It's low. When I see her I get really annoyed. She is really fake. Her smile is really fake.

In other news: i am really sick of my hair: it's become unmanageable and i want it to grow long now! it's too short to tie it up, but long enough to irritate my neck. and is too thick to properly style! ack!!


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